October 20, 1995: Testimony of Ruben DeLeon
Editor's note: Ruben DeLeon, director of sales and marketing for the Days Inn, was the first witness of the day.
Defense attorney Douglas Tinker: Remind the jury of what your job was at Days Inn.
Ruben DeLeon: Sales director of sales and marketing.
Tinker: Tell the ladies and gentlemen when you first saw Selena, where were you?
DeLeon: I started out leaving my office and went to the middle of the lobby.
Tinker: Did she collide, run into you?
DeLeon: Yes.
Tinker: What did you hear her say?
DeLeon: 'Help me! Help me! I've been shot.' Once she laid down I got down next to her.
Tinker: Did you hear her say anything about 'call the police, lock the door'?
DeLeon: I did not hear her say that.
Tinker: Did anybody lock the door?
DeLeon: No sir.
Tinker: Did you hear anybody say lock the door?
DeLeon: No sir.
Tinker: Who else was there with you?
DeLeon: The general manager, Ms. (Barbara) Shultz.
Tinker: Was she standing on the inside or outside of the counter?
DeLeon: I can't tell you exactly where she was.
Tinker: Was she in the lobby area?
DeLeon: She was in the lobby area but I don't know where.
Tinker: Did you see anyone else there?
DeLeon: Yes, Mary Parrish.
Tinker: Did you convey information to Shawna (Vela, desk clerk)?
DeLeon: When Selena was on the ground, I was asking her who shot her.
Tinker: Do you recollect Shawna was ever in the area where Selena was?
DeLeon: Not to my recollection.
Tinker: Shawna never did come over to listen to what Selena was saying.
DeLeon: I was not really looking at her.
Tinker: She never was over there close to hear what Selena was saying.
DeLeon: No sir.
Tinker: Selena never said Yolanda Saldivar.
DeLeon: To me? No sir.
Tinker: Let me show you Exhibit 24, taken by the law enforcement. Do you recognize it?
DeLeon: Yes, it's an area where the service station is.
Tinker: While they (the jurors) are doing that (looking at the exhibit), let me show you Exhibits 16-18. Look through these. Does that reflect the area on March 31, 1995?
DeLeon: No sir.
Nueces County District Attorney Carlos Valdez: (Through objections) Do you know who took these pictures? Do you know what angle they are taken from?
DeLeon: No sir.
Tinker: There are no questions that these were taken at the Days Inn in Corpus Christi, is there?
DeLeon: I know that that's the building.
Tinker: Do you have any questions about these exhibits?
DeLeon: No sir.
Cross examination by Valdez.
Valdez: What is the first thing you told the jury when you first saw Selena?
DeLeon: I freaked out.
Valdez: Were you paying attention to everyone in the lobby?
DeLeon: No.
Valdez: You were focused on one person weren't you?
DeLeon: I just wanted to help her.
Valdez: When you were talking to Selena, were you leaning down?
DeLeon: I was squatted down.
Valdez: So you were not even looking at Shawna?
DeLeon: I could not see where she was behind the counter.
Valdez: Do you know if these pictures reflect what Martinez saw that day?
DeLeon: No I don't; no, sir.
Valdez: You don't know if officers (who) took those pictures were standing here (pointing to an area on the diagram in front of the jurors)?
DeLeon: No.
Valdez: Did you tell the jury that no one locked the door that day? Is it possible that you just did not see them?
DeLeon: It is possible that I did not see them. Next defense witness.