October 11, 1995: Carlos Valdez questioning Abraham Quintanilla (continued)
Valdez: Did you attend a meeting on Thursday, March 9, in Selena's office building ?
Quintanilla: Yes.
Valdez: Was the Selena and the Defendant present?
Quintanilla: Yes.
Valdez: What did you asked the Defendant?
Quintanilla: I asked her *(Yolanda Saldivar) about some documents that we had found and some documents that were missing.. She said that she didn't know where they were.?
Valdez: Were there any threats by you?
Abraham said no.
Valdez: What did you say then?
Quintanilla: I said that I was going to go to the police and make an investigation.
Valdez: How long did the meeting last?
Quintanilla: About 30 minutes.
Valdez: Did you see the Defendant any more that night?
Quintanilla: No sir, I saw her the next morning.
Valdez : About what time?
Quintanilla: About 7 a.m., on March 10. I requested a call to my brother to be be present.
Valdez:: Did you meet with Selena?
Quintanilla: Yes I asked Selena what she was going to do.
Douglas Tinker: Objection. Hearsay.
Valdez: Did you go to Selena's office building that morning?
Quintanilla: Yes, I did.
Valdez: What did you find when you got there.?
Quintanilla: Yolanda was at the office.
Valdez: What did you do?
Quintanilla: I asked Yolanda to leave, and she did.
Valdez: After March 10 , when was the last time that you saw Ms. Saldivar?
Quintanilla: Not until today.
Valdez: October 11, 1995?
Quintanilla: Yes ,sir.
Valdez: Did you ever threaten Ms. Saldivar ?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Did you have any friends threaten her or her family?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Did you talk to her on the phone?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Did you at any time harass Ms. Saldivar?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Did you shoot at her car?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Have you ever told Ms. Saldivar that she was a lesbian?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Have you ever raped Ms. Saldivar?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Have you ever had sex with Ms. Saldivar?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Have you ever stabbed her tires?
Quintanilla: No Sir:
Valdez: Have you ever harassed her at all?
Quintanilla: No Sir.
Valdez: Have you threatened her family?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Have you ever had an involvement with Selena's business:?
Quintanilla: I have not ever had any involvement in Selena's business.
Valdez: Have you ever had and involvement in your son's business...
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Does your son control his own business?
Quintanilla: Yes, sir.
Valdez: Do you believe your son makes more than Selena?
Quintanilla: Yes, sir.
Valdez: Did you allow Selena to be involved in entertainment so that you could become rich?
Quintanilla: No, sir.
Valdez: Do you try to stop you son from his business to pursue his musical career?
Quintanilla:: No, sir.
Valdez:: Now let me ask you a little bit about March 31. What were you doing that day when you found out about your daughter's death?
Quintanilla: We were in my son's office, and the phone rang. Me and my son was together, and my sister-in-law called. Me and my son got into the car and rushed over to the emergency room.
Valdez: What did you see?
Quintanilla: A lot of people was standing on the street.
Valdez: What did you find out?
Quintanilla: I thought that my daughter was in a car accident.
Valdez: How did you feel when you found out you daughter was killed?
Quintanilla: I was shocked.
Valdez: That's all the questions I have.
Tinker: No questions
Judge Mike Westergren: Let's let the jury take about a 20-minute break.